Equipment Types
Circuit boards for fully automatic espresso machines
Measurement & control devices for pulp mills
Electronic steering controls for tunnel boring equipment
Dental equipment
Automated controls for diesel power equipment
Electronic calipers used on milling machines and table saws
Sound stage equipment, lighting and sound fixtures and controls
Computer control power equipment
Audio amplifiers
Propeller pitch control equipment for private aircraft
Fuel efficiency monitoring equipment
Custom timers for process controls and games
Electronic cooling equipment
Lasers and laser projection equipment
Test and measurement equipment
Water purification systems
Fish hatchery equipment
Telephone monitoring and polling equipment
Laser fixtures used in the manufacture of aircraft wings
Guitar string sustainer used for creating effects in the music industry
Sonar and seismic electronics equipment used in mapping the floor of the seas
Guitar amplifiers and sound effect equipment
Ocean monitoring buoys for monitoring various parameters
High-end sonar and audio equipment for Homeland security and the Navy
Environmental measuring devices
Computer network cards for industry end users
Precision “X-Y” positioning equipment
Medical and health club body fat analyzers
Custom designed radio transmission equipment
Computerized rug manufacturing equipment
Barcode reading equipment
Elevator control equipment
Computerized sauna controls
Medical and industrial laser amplification and control equipment
Custom radio and remote control security equipment for industrial markets
Airport and aircraft navigation and instrument landing equipment and systems
Gas and electric utilities sensing and usage measuring equipment
Telephonic monitoring and distinctive ring coding and decoding equipment
Automotive power generation and conversion equipment
Cable television transmission and routing equipment
Christmas tree ornaments
Signal processing equipment for use by NAS
Laboratory Equipment
Underwater Equipment
Water Monitoring Equipment
Testing Equipment
Legacy Equipment
Mother Boards
Daughter Boards
Camera Equipment
Home Beer Brewing Equipment
Custom Speakers
3D Sound Equipment
Earthquake Warning System
Circuit Boards and Cable Prototypes for Universities
Magnetic Eye Glasses
Solar Equipment
Recycling Equipment